What to expect


YOU’RE HERE! Now what?

When you come into Reps, visit our office and we will get your information into the system in order to provide a code. Want to sign up online? Visit our membership page to sign up. Our 24/7 access uses a keypad at the door. Your personal code gives you entry with the keypad. We will show you around the gym so you know where everything is located. If you need help getting started, we are happy to help you find your starting point and show you how to use any equipment that is unfamiliar.

What should I bring?

  • Come dressed to workout or change in one of the restrooms.
  • Please wear clean shoes on the equipment. If the weather is messy, please change into clean shoes.
  • We have towels available for our Reps family, but feel free to bring your own towel if it makes you more comfortable.
  • If you take advantage of our shower, please bring your own towel, soap, and shampoo from home.
  • Bring your headphones if you want your personal workout music.
  • Bring your own water bottle. We have filtered water for refills.

Fitness feels so good!

Stress Resilience

Regular exercise has been shown by researchers to improve resilience to stress. Stress releases the hormones cortisol and adrenalin which can lead to inflammation and high blood pressure. This can cause excess weight gain. Regular exercise strengthens your heart and can help lower stress levels.

Better memory

Like to do puzzles and play mind challenging games on your phone to keep sharp? Head to the gym instead! Exercise is amazing at boosting memory. Exercise actually helps you improve and preserve memory. Research found moderate aerobic activity helps your spatial memory so you can remember where your car keys are!

improved sleep

When you make exercise a part of your life routine, it will help you get healthier, more restful sleep which boosts your immune system, helps controls stress and anxiety, and supports cardiac health. Weight lifting is an excellent exercise to improve sleep.

Happy mood

Exercise actually helps battle depression. Research shows that even 10 minutes of activity a week helps improve hopefulness and decrease depressive symptoms. Research also shows that people who suffer from panic attacks or anxiety suffer significantly less with regular exercise.

More Brain Cells

Who doesn’t need more brain cells? Exercise creates new neurons in certain parts of the brain (hippocampus) that pertain to learning and memory. Next time you exercise on the treadmill or elliptical, are riding the bike or take a Zumba class, remember that you are creating new brain cells!

Increased energy

Exercise gets your heart rate up which increases blood flow and releases endorphins in your system. Endorphins give you energy. Cardiovascular exercises increase your stamina. This helps push away fatigue and gives you more energy throughout the day.